About S. F.

Expressive writing, stories, and storytelling have inspired me for as long as I can remember, but I began my writing journey in my teens.

My initial writings or musings were a mixture of essay, poem, and commentary speaking on the angst surrounding people relating to people.

Much of my creative spark stems from a myriad of things: a sunrise, the seasonal change in the trees, thunderstorms, a cool wind at dusk (you’re probably noticing a nature themed vibe here).

Reading, however, remains a constant source of inspiration. Wanting to explore and give voice to some of what remains unsaid in relationships “between and among people,” I penned Like Sweet Buttermilk.

On the non-writing side: Scooby-Doo is a fave cartoon, disposable dental flossers are a must, I prefer horror movies involving the supernatural premise, I also enjoy watching documentaries, and for fashion accessories, give me unique watches and crazy socks.


A favorite quote:

“If a man is not faithful to his own individuality, he cannot be loyal to anything.”

Claude McKay