Retrospectives (2023) and Foresight (2024)

December 26, 2023

Remember, on the last day of school in June, when September seemed eons away—until you suddenly awoke August 31st? Remember? Perhaps parents remember putting their toddler to bed with kisses goodnight, only to return the next morning to find them taller and driving. Weird, isn’t it?

Well, last I remember, it was January 2023 and I was planning my reappearing act. Looking back, I’m not quite sure how to sum up the year. There were some highs and lows (naturally), but focusing on the “highs” leaves a better taste in the mouth.


As a mother, 2023 was challenging (supporting my children through breakups, employment woes, and Adulting 101 in general). Positives on a non-novelist level: my children maintained employment, and my sister reached a milestone birthday (blessings all around). The year held its usual activities (charitable endeavors, local book promo, grieving deaths in the family) but was otherwise uneventful. A highlight of 2023 embraced my non-novelist and novelist sides: attending the Capital Jazz Fest for the first time post-COVID. Sessions at the fest never fail to inspire music selections for my books. I also revived my reading (A Perfect Peace, We Are Not Like Them, Black Candle Women, Fifty Words for Rain). And oh—I re-released the DNA series on Amazon. That last… well, with all its confusing algorithm yada-yada, the jury is out on whether it’s a highlight—or low. We’ll keep a positive outlook; the year isn’t over yet.


A new year with new highs (and lows) is in the offing. I’ll deal with the lows (as we all must). But the main highlight I’m anticipating is releasing book four (title known but withheld 😉) in the DNA series. This work involves family blame-game counseling and Naomi’s process for getting her main patient to overcome obstacles from several sister-sides. There are surprises I enjoyed adding, as well as some character fun I’m hoping fans will revel in, too.

If all goes well, perhaps book 4 in the DNA series will be among readers’ book-reading highlights for the year.

Here’s hoping.

Wishing you a continued happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.

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