From greenhouses to economic back-turns, it’s all fodder for writers developing characters or plot points. In book...
S.F. Powell Articles
A Look at Greenhouses
In my fiction series, there’s plenty reference to plants and flowers, to gardens and gardening. A couple of my...
Cooking on the Grill
Summertime is here. We fall and winter lovers must grin and bear it. It's time for preparing meals without heating the...
Finding a Writer for Your eBook
Recently, I reviewed considerations for traditional publishing once that manuscript is ready for the world. I’m...
Book Publishing Considerations
Greetings, from the Sans Serif side of things. Whenever there’s a lengthy period of downtime, thoughts turn to those...
Writers Parenting while Working Remotely
Bring Your Kid to Work Day still takes place. With global developments in recent years, such irony couldn’t be...
Going Resolute: Making New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! And with that greeting, we all know it’s that time of year again—a time for making promises to...
Retrospectives (2023) and Foresight (2024)
Remember, on the last day of school in June, when September seemed eons away—until you suddenly awoke August 31st?...
Benefits of Setting Goals
People usually set goals at the beginning of the year, as part of the whole New-Year’s-Resolution movement. But let’s...
Tips for Dating Long-distance
With the month of September comes thoughts of back-to-school, college adventures, and maybe the end of a summer...
Benefits of Journalizing
Busy world, busy day, busy life. Between home and work and family and social media, smartphone apps, and technology in...
Bookshelves to Die For, Pt. 3
Plenty of books and nowhere to put them? Fear not. I've been continuing my search and review of unique bookshelves:...