All’s Fair in Love for Books

April 18, 2023

The COVID pandemic impacted everything on all fronts, so, no surprise I’d been out of the in-person book fair groove a couple years. But, with outdoor venues returning and a new release planned for later this year, I’m warming my introvert-self up to getting familiar again with marketing my works (and myself) at book fairs. It’s an exercise in excitement, but mostly…Ugh!

I’ve reviewed several events scheduled for this year, but I’m taking a toe-dipping approach before signing up for any and everything available. Looking at the book fair event images, I’d forgotten what was involved with things like setting up the table or coordinating sales with my helpers, but it’s all coming back to me…

From my past experiences, I came away with a few lessons learned book fair newbies may find helpful.

Book Fair Takeaways
  • Bring the kitchen sink but leave everything else. Overly excited at those first few book fairs, I often had more than my share of props for my table. Lesson: stick to a few props just to generate interest.
  • Organize the organization. I consider myself a fairly organized person, but when multiple things are happening, the organization takes a quick backseat. This can create delays (and sometimes frustration) for all involved. Lesson: use small containers with the essentials for quick retrieval and establish a “system” for you and your helper(s)—and you do need a helper.
  • Curiosity doesn’t have to kill the cat. Sitting at my table (at previous events), I was curious about the other author and their works but was hesitant to approach any of them and strike up a conversation (introvert trait 5: not so much into broaching small talk). And let’s be real: sometimes folk can be rude or disingenuous and no one wants to be bothered with that. I did take chances though and made a new author-friend or two. Lesson: get to know fellow vendors as you do your book thang. It helps pass the time during lulls and generates camaraderie.

The pickings are slim, but as deadlines approach for signing up, I’m narrowing it down to fall events. A few local DMV book events that I’ve attended remain favorites, so they warrant consideration always. But short travel to a book festival farther away is an option. Book fairs aren’t the best for sales (another lesson), but they are for exposure, which is beneficial, too.

My excitement wavers, yet the “ugh” factor remains a constant. Am I ready to get out there again? Here’s hoping…

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