Beginning a Novel: Stuck Before Getting Started

April 4, 2023

“It was a dark and stormy night…” (a tried-and-true opening for sure, and just as oft-played)

You’ve fleshed out the story idea, the research is done, and the writing utensils prepped (for those of us who prefer paper before processor). However, page one remains blank. For some time. Just…blank.

Amid writing Broken Benevolence, I turned back to the beginning, staring at the opening lines with wonder. I know how it starts (fans will too soon), but the awe stemmed from seeing…I started the book (the third in the Dr. Naomi Alexander series). I know: not my first time with this novel-writing thing, but still.

With book four percolating, viewing that first page remains a marvel.

Writing that opening sentence can be the most challenging part of writing a novel; it’s a form of writer’s block. I use an outline, and while that may help with the meat of the story. I still struggle with putting that first sentence down. The options for beginning a story vary. Should I start by describing the setting or some dialogue? Begin with some backstory narrative or in the heart of the action? What about having the main character…?

Any combination of those options could work (if done right), so page one stays blank for a little longer.

Inevitably, my outline helps me get going. I may pause at starting that first sentence, but referring to my outline helps me do the one thing necessary: write something. That first sentence may not even make the cut, but it’s enough to keep the pen flowing over the page or the keyboard clacking away. The same applies to starting new chapters, but the “anxiety” is different and less intense.

When that first sentence (or two) of a story kicks off, the sensation is akin to a mild high as the cloak of “the Zone” descends, and the dark, stormy night becomes a bright and sunny day.

Look for Broken Benevolence this June.

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