S.F. Powell Articles

A Low-Cost Writer’s Retreat, Pt. 2

In the previous blog, I discussed planning a personal, local, writer retreat and the care package essentials that go with it. Spring has sprung, and the weather is breaking warmer. So, you’re packed and ready to give this local retreat biz a try. Now what? Well, what...

A Low-Cost Writer’s Retreat, Pt. 1

Writers sometimes need solitude. Many writers create pages of prose around crowds, but generally, writing is a solitary experience, so, writers need solitude. Writers have their designated “zone”’ spots, but occasionally, the desire to get away arises. A writer’s...

Finding a Writer for Your eBook

Recently, I reviewed considerations for traditional publishing once that manuscript is ready for the world. I’m shifting focus slightly to discuss e-books and outsourcing their creation. The term “e-book” is self-explanatory: an electronic version of a book. They’re...

Book Publishing Considerations

Greetings, from the Sans Serif side of things. Whenever there’s a lengthy period of downtime, thoughts turn to those projects set aside or abandoned. From home improvement tasks to … writing that book—or even better, polishing that manuscript and getting it published....
Playing God

Playing God

A hidden satisfaction comes with being a fiction author. We are creators of people, creators of worlds, and creators...

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