S.F. Powell Articles

Michael Jackson Music: a Crossroad

A tribute to Michael Jackson was part of the lineup at the Capital Jazz Festival earlier this month. And as I sat in my lawn chair, snacking on fresh fruit (a cubed melon mix, highlighted with sweet cherries), I took in many who were jamming—and others with arms...

Bookshelves to Die For Pt. 1

In the interest of Mental Health Awareness Month, I took a break from blogging during the month of May, but I am Sans Serif once again with some discussion about a book-lover essential. Walking around Capitol Hill, window shopping at the quaint shops (some older, some...

All’s Fair in Love for Books

The COVID pandemic impacted everything on all fronts, so, no surprise I’d been out of the in-person book fair groove a couple years. But, with outdoor venues returning and a new release planned for later this year, I’m warming my introvert-self up to getting familiar...

Beginning a Novel: Stuck Before Getting Started

“It was a dark and stormy night…” (a tried-and-true opening for sure, and just as oft-played) You’ve fleshed out the story idea, the research is done, and the writing utensils prepped (for those of us who prefer paper before processor). However, page one remains...
Benefits of Journalizing

Benefits of Journalizing

Busy world, busy day, busy life. Between home and work and family and social media, smartphone apps, and technology in...

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